Friday, October 15, 2010

Been a while..

I have not fallen off the face of the earth, contrary to popular belief!!! lol Life is keeping me busy, in one form or another. Since August we have: moved Emerald to college, moved to a new home, continue to homeschool the other three kids, I worked and worked some more. Last week I had surgery and am trying to adjust to this thing called.....resting. lol I never knew what just rest meant. It is a hard thing for someone who is used to working all the time to do. lol I am learning slowly though, I have about enough energy for one outing a day( church, doctor's appt, picking up my paycheck stub) then I am shot. *Never* in my life did I think that this would be an issue for me. Praising God for the wonders he does for and through me on a daily basis. This has been a reminder that through God ALL things are possible.

While I am learning this rest thing, I am soooooo enjoying being around my babies who are home. I have helped with their school work, at their request, daily. I truly feel blessed to be in a position to have them home with me(sure do miss Em though.) They are some of the best medicine a mama could ask for during the recovery phase after surgery!!! William is amazing too, always has been for nearing in on TWENTY years!!! He is almost like the mother hen. lol

Friends and family have kept the food coming, so we are not starving(not that that was ever a fear around our house) and feel blessed and loved like never before. We love all of you very much!!!! Until next time........

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