Wow, how time flies! Winter drug for what seemed like forever here in MO. I think we have finally turned the corner into spring and I could not be happier. :-) Much has happened since my last post. Emerald has finished her first semester in college and is getting acclimated to campus life(so much so, I have a hard time getting her to come home for a visit.) She has an amazing opportunity to go to Chicago for a summer internship!! God is amazing and faithful in providing her this chance to reach out and minister to children in a place she would not have been able to do otherwise.
Rebekkah has recently hit "double digits" and I am amazed to see what a wonderful young lady she is becoming!!! She continues to dance and made team this year! Needless to say, she has little spare time to do much else but loves being busy. Hard to believe my baby has a busier social calendar than I do. lol
Noah is honing in on being a full fledged teenager! How on Earth did this happen??? He also dances and loves it. He is 110% boy and can usually be seen running Mach 6 with his hair on fire. Bike riding, tree climbing playing in the neighborhood with anyone that comes within 100 feet if him.
William and I continue to be the tired parents of four amazing children. They are true blessings from God. We cherish each and every day we get to spend with them, molding and shaping them into the adults we desire for them to become.
No, I have not forgotten Nathaniel. In fact, he is the reason I decided to post today. April brings us to Autism Awareness Month and this holds a special place in my heart. As many of you know, Nathaniel has Asperger Syndrome, which falls under the autism "umbrella." While raising a child with "special needs" is a challenge, it is one I would not trade for the world. Sometimes I have wondered "why me?" and "why him?" but I have learned to embrace our unique situation and delve deeper into learning as much as I can. Thus, I can help Nathaniel, myself and anyone who happens to meet him. We are learning more everyday, trying our best to remember that God is carrying us through this learning process. That He is more than able to equip us to raise this amazing young man. Have you ever wondered why some things are allowed to come our way? Yeah, me too, but I am learning that while all of us want that "perfect" family and want things to be just "so", that is not reality. I am the mother of four very different, distinct personalities and I want to embrace everyday with a love and passion for them, as my Heavenly Father has for me. While dealing with Nathaniel and some of the struggles we face, I think how much God must wish I would not do things to make Him think, "what on Earth are you doing THAT for?" I know many times I have thought that about things Nathaniel does and/or says. My love for him does not change, much like God's love for me doesn't change when I do off the wall things. Nathaniel is teaching me far more than I ever thought I could ever learn from one person!! So, all this rambling to say, thank you God for giving me the opportunity to be part of the plan you have for Nathaniel's life. He is a true blessing and I know You will guide me through this journey and will help me face each day with a new outlook. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!