Well, as life seems to move faster and faster as I get older, I find myself updating here on Sunday's lately. I guess that is a good day, I just wish I had more time to devote to our family blog. Anyway, life is moving at mach speed and we are hanging on tightly for the ridr to see what God has in store and where he will take us in His will!!
We have been celebrating Christmas all weekend, here at home yesterday, at my mom and her husband's today and then we are traveling to TX to be with William's family on Christmas. I am tired already and Christmas isn't even here. ;-P It's all good!! We passed out Christmas dinners with church yesterday, it is part of a ministry we call RAKE(Random Acts of Kindness Endevour) We started this in the summer and truly did yardwork and such for some of the surrounding neighborhoods, we just want to minister to the community. It has been well accepted but people we taken aback at first as to WHY people from a local church would come and just do this for free!!! It has been such a success and blessing to all invloved, anyway at Thanksgiving we handed out 51 food boxes and this time we handed out 35 boxes. Then we came home and opened Christmas gifts. CHurch this morning, "Carols, Candles and Communion" awesome service, well except for Nathaniel and Rebekkah fighting during service, remember they are 12 and 7, respectively. Parenthood, ain't it great!!?? We had Toys for Tots giveaway today after service and we have a Dream Center at our church and it was our Sunday to run it. What a blessing to see people come in and one new family from yesterday's RAKE!! God is great and moving in a mighty way at our church!!!
After church and Dream Center, we went to my mom's for Christmas. We got there early because it is SOOOOO bitter cold here and even though my kids are older I was not in the mood to drag them in and out a hundred times in the cold!!!! Poor Noah has been freezing all day, praying he is not getting sick since we are flying on Tuesday. Sounds funny but please pray that we ALL stay healthy for this trip. My mother in law starts with doctor appts, getting ready for chemo, this Wed and we don't need to get her sick. I am stocking up on Airborne and Dramamine for the flight. lol A conversation I had with God this past Tuesday, pretty one sided but I think He understands.
Me: "Lord, it was nasty and icy last Tuesday. Today is Tuesday again, it is nasty and snowy. Next Tuesday we fly to TX, with four kids who have never flown before. PLease get this nasty weather out of Your system BEFORE we fly!!!"
Ok, I admitted beforehand that it was pretty one sided, ok so it was totally one sided, but I don't wanna be stuck on a plane delayed with my kids who are newbies to this flying thing. lol Call me selfish but I need patience like I have never had this Tuesday. As I sit here and talk to Emerald and Noah, they are nervous and I will NEED patience and calm to pass on to my kids. :-D Emerald is certain she is nervous but does not want to sit by the window, lol silly girl.
Tomorrow I work and come home to do last minute laundry and pack for five of the six of us, William is on his own. Then Tuesday I work and then we head straight to the airport. I told the kids today, the good news is in TX it will be 60's while we are there. The bad news is when we come back to MO, it will be COLD COLD COLD. This weekend has been dry but bitter cold, actual temps in the single digits today and windchills well below zero. We will all have pneumonia a week or two after we return. OK, I know that that is supposed to be an old wives tale, being exposed to temp extremes causing illnesses, but I work in a doctor's office and it *seems* to hold true. Maybe it is a mind over matter thing, I dunno, but it is good for business at the office. lol I get to see my sister on the trip too, she moved to TX in October. We are driving to see her on Saturday and then she will drive us to the airport on Sunday. My nieces and nephews will be here in KC, their dad is driving them up on Dec 26, when we get home and will be able to spend time with them that week after we return. Seems funny to travel to TX and my nieces and nephews will miss us but see us on THEIR trip to KC. They are staying a smorgasboard of places while here, they are in high demand. lol
OK, I have been all over the place tonight. My blog, so I guesss it is all good. I applaud you if you have made it this far in all of my rambling mess. I will post updated pics as soon as my step sister emails them to me, hopefully tonight or tomorrow. I had her take one of all six of us dressed up after church. Much to Em's chagrin, I made my tomboy 16 year old wear a skirt ALL day long. One stinking day a year I ask her to be girly, adn I still got flack for it from her. Poor mom!!! I miss the days of dressing my girls in lacy or velvety dresses with no back talk. *sigh* Enjoy your babies because they grow up entirely too fast!! HOwever, I still don't getten cotton picking minutes alone, unless I lock the bathroom door and hide. (Em is here watching and editing eveyr typo I make as we speak)
In case I do not get back on here this week, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!! As I reminf WIlliam, the kids and myself, we need to remember the TRUE reason for Christmas and tune out the world and it's noise for just one day. Remember Christ is the reason we have the true freedom we don't deserve but He so freely pours out on us, if all we do is ask Him to be the Lord of our lives. All He asks for in return is for us to love and follow Him daily!!