Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Me, I am not fond of having my pic taken but here I am and I love this shirt, wore it today and got lots of compliments!!
My oldest bookworm, aka hubby!!

What girl doesn't love pink??

Who is she talking to now??? She loved her cell phone, thankfully it is a toy one or I'd have an outrageous cell bill!!!

Rebekkah loves her "message board" :-P

Em, smiling, as usual!!

Man this kids LOVES his books!!!

More books!!!

Noah and his new movie!!

Em, just chillin'

Just wanted to wish all our family and friends a very happy and safe new year. The kids are at m y youngest stepsister's with all of their cousins on my side, nine all total. Connie does this annually and the kids love it!!! William and I went out to dinner and then came home. I prefer to be in away from all the drunken fools out on the road. I will most likely be asleep before 2009 rolls around. I guess I am a party pooper but I just don't care about seeing midnight *any* night. lol Maybe I am getting too old, naaahh!! Here are a few more pics from Christmas too!!! Enjoy, off to spend time with William for a while.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A few more pics

One view from the plane today.
Ready to get home, yep that's me in the middle, not often do I get in the pics, I am usually taking them.

Weary travellers, ready to come home. Thankfully NO weather delays this time!!!

Nana and Paca, William's parents.

Paca and the kids, yeas Nathaniel had already made a mess on his shirt before 9:00AM and he is TWELVE!!! *sigh* guess it never ends. :-D


Home Sweet Home

Nana and the kids
Granny and the kids

William, Christmas morning, playing with Nathaniel's 3-D glasses!! Nice look babe XOXO

FINALLY on the plane 11:00PM for our 6:10PM flight!! :-/

Boys at 11:00PM, tired and anxious!!! ;-P

Well, after an event filled six days, we are home and slowly settling in. As I mentioned before we had a five hour delay due to bad weather in Chicago. All in all we were there about eitght hours due to iffy weather here we arrived early. We truly enojyed our visit, 80+ on Christmas and most of our visit was wonderful, albeit odd for we Missourians. We had temps of -4 last week on Monday before we left, then 80's in TX and now back to reality. Today was 40's when we got back home, not too shabby for December in MO.

We stayed the first night with William's brother, then drove to his parents on Wednesday. Visited his Granny in the nursing home and with his dad when he got back from the hospital. William's mom came home from the hospital on Friday, although we went to visit her on Christmas day. We are thankful that they got her white blood count back up, it was zero when she went in. She was feeling much better when we left yesterday morning. We then returned to his brother's yesterday ang my sister drove to take us to her house. She recently moved to TX and we were glad to see her too. My niece's and nephew's are here in KC with their dad so we missed them there but they will come to see us on Tuesday afternoon and spend the night.

I will add a few pics of our trip for anyone interested in seeing them.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas and a prayer request

First, I want to say Merry Christmas to all my family and friends. I pray that you have a blessed time with your families. We are in TX visiting William's family. After a LONG wait in KC at the airport due to bad weather in Chicago, we flew out around 11:00pm last night and arrived in TX around 1:00am today. All is good except we are all tired from hurrying and waiting last night. This was the kids' first flight and they all enjoyed it.

Now for the prayer request. Betty, William's mom, started her chemo last week for her breast cancer. She had an appointment for labs today but was also running a fever. They admitted her to the hospital today for at least overnight. Please lift her up as she fights whateveris going on in her body. We will miss her tomorrow morning but plan on going to see her if she is not released. Pray for her strength and recovery as she faces five more chemo treatments. Pray for Gene, William's dad, as he faces the challenges of being there for everyone in the family. Thanks and love to you all!!


Monday, December 22, 2008

Updated pic at top

OK, while it is not the "perfect" family photo, it is us last night at my mom's. Noah was not feeling 100% and Nathaniel is not really much on taking pics, well at least posed pics. However it is the six of us together so there you have it!!!


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Smatterings on a Sunday

Well, as life seems to move faster and faster as I get older, I find myself updating here on Sunday's lately. I guess that is a good day, I just wish I had more time to devote to our family blog. Anyway, life is moving at mach speed and we are hanging on tightly for the ridr to see what God has in store and where he will take us in His will!!

We have been celebrating Christmas all weekend, here at home yesterday, at my mom and her husband's today and then we are traveling to TX to be with William's family on Christmas. I am tired already and Christmas isn't even here. ;-P It's all good!! We passed out Christmas dinners with church yesterday, it is part of a ministry we call RAKE(Random Acts of Kindness Endevour) We started this in the summer and truly did yardwork and such for some of the surrounding neighborhoods, we just want to minister to the community. It has been well accepted but people we taken aback at first as to WHY people from a local church would come and just do this for free!!! It has been such a success and blessing to all invloved, anyway at Thanksgiving we handed out 51 food boxes and this time we handed out 35 boxes. Then we came home and opened Christmas gifts. CHurch this morning, "Carols, Candles and Communion" awesome service, well except for Nathaniel and Rebekkah fighting during service, remember they are 12 and 7, respectively. Parenthood, ain't it great!!?? We had Toys for Tots giveaway today after service and we have a Dream Center at our church and it was our Sunday to run it. What a blessing to see people come in and one new family from yesterday's RAKE!! God is great and moving in a mighty way at our church!!!

After church and Dream Center, we went to my mom's for Christmas. We got there early because it is SOOOOO bitter cold here and even though my kids are older I was not in the mood to drag them in and out a hundred times in the cold!!!! Poor Noah has been freezing all day, praying he is not getting sick since we are flying on Tuesday. Sounds funny but please pray that we ALL stay healthy for this trip. My mother in law starts with doctor appts, getting ready for chemo, this Wed and we don't need to get her sick. I am stocking up on Airborne and Dramamine for the flight. lol A conversation I had with God this past Tuesday, pretty one sided but I think He understands.

Me: "Lord, it was nasty and icy last Tuesday. Today is Tuesday again, it is nasty and snowy. Next Tuesday we fly to TX, with four kids who have never flown before. PLease get this nasty weather out of Your system BEFORE we fly!!!"

Ok, I admitted beforehand that it was pretty one sided, ok so it was totally one sided, but I don't wanna be stuck on a plane delayed with my kids who are newbies to this flying thing. lol Call me selfish but I need patience like I have never had this Tuesday. As I sit here and talk to Emerald and Noah, they are nervous and I will NEED patience and calm to pass on to my kids. :-D Emerald is certain she is nervous but does not want to sit by the window, lol silly girl.

Tomorrow I work and come home to do last minute laundry and pack for five of the six of us, William is on his own. Then Tuesday I work and then we head straight to the airport. I told the kids today, the good news is in TX it will be 60's while we are there. The bad news is when we come back to MO, it will be COLD COLD COLD. This weekend has been dry but bitter cold, actual temps in the single digits today and windchills well below zero. We will all have pneumonia a week or two after we return. OK, I know that that is supposed to be an old wives tale, being exposed to temp extremes causing illnesses, but I work in a doctor's office and it *seems* to hold true. Maybe it is a mind over matter thing, I dunno, but it is good for business at the office. lol I get to see my sister on the trip too, she moved to TX in October. We are driving to see her on Saturday and then she will drive us to the airport on Sunday. My nieces and nephews will be here in KC, their dad is driving them up on Dec 26, when we get home and will be able to spend time with them that week after we return. Seems funny to travel to TX and my nieces and nephews will miss us but see us on THEIR trip to KC. They are staying a smorgasboard of places while here, they are in high demand. lol

OK, I have been all over the place tonight. My blog, so I guesss it is all good. I applaud you if you have made it this far in all of my rambling mess. I will post updated pics as soon as my step sister emails them to me, hopefully tonight or tomorrow. I had her take one of all six of us dressed up after church. Much to Em's chagrin, I made my tomboy 16 year old wear a skirt ALL day long. One stinking day a year I ask her to be girly, adn I still got flack for it from her. Poor mom!!! I miss the days of dressing my girls in lacy or velvety dresses with no back talk. *sigh* Enjoy your babies because they grow up entirely too fast!! HOwever, I still don't getten cotton picking minutes alone, unless I lock the bathroom door and hide. (Em is here watching and editing eveyr typo I make as we speak)

In case I do not get back on here this week, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!! As I reminf WIlliam, the kids and myself, we need to remember the TRUE reason for Christmas and tune out the world and it's noise for just one day. Remember Christ is the reason we have the true freedom we don't deserve but He so freely pours out on us, if all we do is ask Him to be the Lord of our lives. All He asks for in return is for us to love and follow Him daily!!


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lots of rambling and weekend weather

We have been busy around the Farley house and I see no sign of things slowing soon. Guess I should be used to that by now. Noah and Rebekkah have been at church more this week than they have home, or at least it seems that way. Tonight was our children's Christmas program, "Finding the Christmas Star" and they all did a fabulous job. I always love the kids' programs but especially when my kids are in it. lol I will post pics of them later, when I get time to upload them from the camera.

Emerald and Nathaniel went ice skating on Friday with the youth from church. They both said they enjoyed it but to tell the truth, I believe Nathaniel enjoyed the stop at CiCi's Pizza afterward. He said he skated by pulling himself along the rail. Anyone who knows him would not be surprised by this as he does not have one athletic bone in his body, he is our bookworm. They both have been sore all weekend, after using muscles they don't normally use. All is good though, no broken bones or major injuries. Thank you Jesus!!!

Em's money was burning a hole in her pocket and she wanted to buy Christmas gifs so, the girls and I spent most of yesterday afternoon running around shopping. I remember why I prefer to stay away from stores on the weekends during Christmas shopping. Crowds of people EVERYWHERE we turned. I don't know if I am getting old or people just are rude but this year it has really hit me that I prefer to stay in and I understand why my mom shops online.

William and I had date night last night. Out to eat and a couple of stops trying to find "keyhole-shaped" pavers for a Christmas project I want to make for the owner of the dance studio. Much to my chagrin those are out of season and nowhere to be found. I am going to look one more place tomorrow after work, weather permitting, where I get my stones for hot stone massage. After that I am back to the drawing board and only have until Wednesday night to get it done and ready to give on Thursday. Ms Jann LOVES snowmen so I am searching for a snowman project as a backup, if anyone knows a good one.

OK, so now about the weekend weather...... Friday was nice and sunny, cool but sunny. Saturday was warm, I'm talking upper 50's, lower 60's, and cloudy and WINDY. For KC that is odd in December. Sooooooo, this morning we go to church, pass the bank and the temperature is 62, yes 62 at 9:00 AM, then we leave church at about 12:15PM and it is 34. The wind is blowing and it is cold and cutting through us like a knife. Then we head back to church for the kids program and it is 23 and windy, this is about 5:00PM(had to get there early to get a good seat since church fills up fast when the kids perform) and when we leave at about 7:30PM it is snowing and blowing!!! Talk about a weird weather weekend. Guess it is good for business at the doctor's office I work at but man oh man, from 62 in the AM to 23 in the PM, that's a huge swing in temps for one day!! NOW it feels and looks like December in KC. lol

Have a blessed week and remember that with all the hustle and bustle of Chirstmas time, that we(I am preaching to myself, first) need to keep our eyes on the REAL REASON for CHRISTmas. Remember that no matter what the economy is doing, what the weather is like, that God has it all in the palm of His hand and longs for us to turn to and lean on Him when life turns topsy turvy!!



Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sweet Sunday

Well, for the first time in three weeks we all six went to church today!!! We have been passing around some nasty upper respiratory stuff. It started with Noah and ended with me and bypassed William all together, Praise the Lord for that!!! So, I have been really missing church. Today was an awesome refreshing service for me. I missed William because it was his week in Kidz Klub(children's church) but Nathaniel sat by me so it was all good.

We are now home(duh) and just finished leftovers for lunch. I know, I should have been agood mom and wife and made something "fresh" but we needed to clean out the fridge. The boys and William are watching football, well Nathaniel is drawing, Rebekkah is watching tv in her room, Disney Channel something and Emerald went to grandma and grandpa's to help them decorate for Christmas. She is earning money to shop with, good thing she has a grandma that is willing to pay her to help. She asks for allowance here and I remind her that she has a roof over her head, food to eat and clothes to wear. lol She doesn't find it funny but I do.

Looks like we will be heading to Texas for Christmas. At first it didn't look good but things are looking up. I am praying that if my mother in law starts chemo before we arrive that God will see her through and spare her the sickness that usually accompanies chemo. Truthfully, I pray He spares her all together but especially if the family is coming in for Christmas. The kids and I have not been to Texas in a couple of years. William has been for a couple graduations and just to visit at his birthday in 2007. I enjoy visiting but dread the drive with four kids...he touched me, she's in my seat, I wanted THAT seat!!! Ugh, maybe that will be different this year, since they are getting older, yeah right!!! OK, off to switch laundry and drag it to the laundry mat to dry, dryer is still on the fritz, we really take for granted the conveniences until they are not readily there to use.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Good news/bad news day

Well, William met with an attorney today that agreed to take on his case against his private long term disability. Their doctors look at him on paper and assume he should be able to work. Even though his local doctors, who see him IN PERSON, say no. *Sigh* it has been nothing but a mess since they never expected him to get this disability this long. Anyway, she has agreed to take it on. Please be in prayer that all goes smoothly and William can handle the stress of these people.

Now for the bad news. William's mom went for her doctor follow up after her mastectomy. IN the six weeks, give or take, from biopsy to surgery, her cancer went from Stage I to Stage III. They are giving her a couple more weeks to recouperate from surgery and then she will have to begin chemo. We had originally thought that this would not have to happen. Please lift my mother and father in law up as they face this challenge, especially with it being Christmas. We are supposed to go there for Christmas but now many factors we hadn't planned on need to be considered. Her being worn out from chemo, anyone being sick around her since her immune system will be compromised, etc.

We have all been passing around some upper respiratory mess, all but William that is. I am now the one blessed by it, well ok, maybe not blessed but it is my turn to have it. Sore throat, stuffy/runny nose, feeling lousy and worn out. I missed church on Sunday and I almost never miss because of me being sick. I am ready to feel better, I do not make a good patient. Mucinex and ibuprofen are my bestest friends right now. I am gonna sign off very soon and eat someethign for dinner and go to bed early tonight, I * need* the rest but never get it.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Things I am thanful for..

OK, I am a few hours early but tomorrow I plan to focus on my family. I am thankful for God llving me so much hat He sacrificed His ONLY son for a sinnner such as me. I am so undeserving but He still loves me, unconditionally!!! I am thankful for William, for being my soul mate and loving me no matter what!! I am thanful for Emerald, I have been blessed with an amazing teenaged daughter. I am thankful for Nathaniel, he amazes me everyday. I am thankful for Noah, he is my cuddle bug. I am thankful for Rebekkah, she is my mini-me. They all teach me many new and wonderful things daily!!!! I am thankful for my mom, she is an amazing woman and I can only hope to be half the mother/wife/friend she is. What an amazing example I have. I am thanful for my dad, although I rarely see him, I am blessed to have him in my life. I am thankful for many other people and things, too many to list.

My prayer is that we all take this time to remember all of our blessings. To remember that no matter what the world thinks, or what may be going on around us, we are a blessed people. Sometimes it is hard to realize how truly blessed we are in America. Remember to take time tomorrow, Thanksgiving day, to reflect on what God has done, and continues to do, in your life. I pray that you will all find something wonderful to thank God for tomorrow and every day of your lives!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just babbling on a Saturday

Well here we are on another Saturday. Our church did an outreach this morning, we passed out Thanksgiving meals. William and the three older kids went, Rebekkah is not feeling well today, sore throat, stomach ache and headache(praying it isn't strep) so we stayed home and snuggled and watched Disney movies. Emerlad and Noah were impressed that the church had 51 baskets prepared and they passed out all 51, well the 20-something people that showed up did not just my two kids. lol

Then the boys and dad had boys day out, since the girls and I did last weekend. They went to McDonald's for lunch and wandered around Bass Pro then came home. While they were gone, I was tired of feeling lazy and got up to clean, went to the boys' room and wished I hadn't. They had candy wrappers, paper plates, cups, water bottles and general junk all over the floor. Oh and laundry clean and dirty all over. Ugh what a mom won't do for her kids. I cleaned it, and began throwing things away left and right. I think I scared Em because she cleaned the girls' room before I got there. ;-) Then I started laundry and we have to go to the laundry mat to dry it since our dryer is out of commission until we can afford to have someone come look at it. I never realized how much laundry and family of six can create, whew, I think we could do dozens of loads a day, ok maybe a week and never be caught up. Nathaniel did dishes when he got home and Rebekkah cleaned the bathroom, one chore she LOVES to do, more power to ya babe!!

Now, I am just sitting here knowing the house is clean. William is kicking back and fianlly reading the newspaper, the two little kids are watching a church camp video, Nathaniel watching something else on tv and Emerald is watching closely over my shoulder watching every letter I type. Good thing I am not complaining about her, huh?? She is itching to drive somewhere alone but no errands need to be run until laundry mat time, and even then I will not allow her to go alone, too many weird people lurking out there looking for their next victim.

Ok, I am off now, gonna try and import the myplaylist on here again and maybe add a few more pics. OH wait, before I leave, thanks for the prayers, my mother in laws surgery went well. They think they got all the cancer but will know for sure at her follow up Tuesday, November 25. Please continue to keep William in your prayers, he has his tests on MOnday the 24th. He also has an appointment with an attorney to help us get his private long term disability back and keep them from pulling it from him, whenever they feel the urge. OK I am really am signing off now.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Doctor appointment today and prayer request

William had an appointment today with the cardiologist. We had this appt set before he ever went in the hospital but worked out nicely. He has had a private long term disability in addition to SSI for several years now and they keep yanking it and saying he no longer meets "disabled" status. Good grief even the US government states he ahs been disabled since birth in their eyes, but I digress. This company sent him/us a letter stating that his cardiologist says he can work full time sedentary work, well cardiologist has not recollection of this and says he will let them know that William is, in fact, NOT able to work. He is having too many issues still and the cardiologist believes that William is having trouble and will back us 100%(yeah for an understanding doc) In that all tests in the hospital came out normal both cardiac and GI so he has ordered more tests and they care scheduled for MOnday, November 24. He is having an echo(ultrasound of the heart) and a stress test to see if we can get to the bottom of William still having chest tightness. *sigh* Glad doc is proactive but man more tests, I feel for William. So first prayer request pray for William and see if we can get to the source of his chest tightness. Second my mother in law is having a mastectomy tomorrow, NOvember 19 at 12:15pm CST, please pray for peace for her and my father in law. Also, pray for God to become the surgeons hands and guideance and wisdom during the surgery, Also, pray for a quick recovery and peace for her during this trying time and fight with breast cancer. Thanks and love to all of you.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wonderful Sunday

Today started out normal nothing out of the ordinary. We got up went to Sunday School, William and I are prayer team leaders one Sunday a month(third Sunday) so we were in the prayer room during service, what a wonderful prayer time it was. Then our church has the South Kansas City Dream Center, where people can come and get items they need and food, and it was our Sunday to work there too(always third Sunday also). We do this as a family and the kids get to help serve their community too, awesome opportunity and they truly enjoy it. After all of this Emerald told me her birthday money was "burning a hole in her pocket." We decided to make it a girl's afternoon out so off Emerald, Rebekkah and I went. We stopped at McDonald's for lunch(R's choice) and the went to Old NAvy, Kohl's and Target. Em found a few things but still has money to spend, I was tired and told her we'd go another day to finish shopping. Both girls were on their best behavior, quite a shock for all who know and love Bekkah, and we truly enjoyed all of our time together. Oh yeah, at Target we *always* have to stop in the dollar spot and Rebekkah had $1 that she got from grandma and grandpa on Halloween or something like that. Anyway she found a sleep maske she thought she HAD to have, it is pink and purple and says "naughty" on it(you know for Christmas time) well I found a blue one that said "nice" but she said "well,pink is MY color so I will deal with naughty on my sleep mask" she is quite the card. So she bought that with her own money and she is/was so proud of herself and she wore it in the van on the way home but decided she might look goofy if she wore it in the grocery store as we stopped there to grab dessert,so she took it off for that but out it back on as soon as she hit the van. Gotta love her, she is the baby. ;-)

We stopped to get dessert because as of tomorrow I am back to working hard on my weight loss and exercise efforts. I have kinda thrown that out the window these last couple months but especially the last couple weeks with William in the hospital. Can you say stress eating???!!! I want to take off 85 pounds to get me to my original WW goal. We can't afford WW anymore so I am just gonna watch portions, kinds of foods I eat and walk minimum 30 minutes daily, with Emerald in tow(maybe others if they can keep up since doc told me Fri that it needs to be brisk walking) Sounds silly but pray I can keep focused and not be overly tempted since there is ALWAYS food from reps at my office.

Here's hoping everyone has a fantastic week. I am keeping my eyes focused on Jesus to help me on this journey we call life.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Just a few thoughts on a Saturday morning

Well, as usual I am wide awake very early on the weekend, while on a week day I have to drag myself out of bed this early. Makes no sense to me but here I am, none the less. I have been visiting some blogs and one really touched my heart this morning. She talked about God leading her to her closet and unfurling her wedding gown and to the hem. At first I worndered why on earth God would lead ME to this blog, then as I read and really concentrated on Him I realized that through all we have and continue to go through we need to reach for the hem of HIS garment. We just need the faith of a mustard seed and to reach for the hem of His garment and remember that He has all things in the palm of His wonderful hand!!! Many times I *say and think* I have this faith so small but then when God speaks to me and I really look at my life and what is going on, maybe my doubt far outweighs my faith. I pray that my faith, and my family's faith is that of a mustard seed and then some as we continue to face the many struggles in this life. I pray that I can set the example my Heavely Father has set for me to my beautiful children. I pray that through my shortfalls and short comings that somehow my children can see past my human nature and see God in my life as I raise them in the best way I know how. I pray that no matter what is happening in our lives that they KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt they can turn to God and feel a comfort and peace that William and I just can't provide in our human form.

On a different note, William seems to be feeling somewhat better after last week's hospital stay. I am soooooo thankful for this. He gave us quite a scare and made me and the kids, especially Emerald, remember to be thankful for and not take forgranted each and every minute we are given. OH and speaking of Emerald, she got her driver's license this week, so watch out if you are on the roads of south KC, she may be out there lurking on the roads in our van and well........ Seriously, she is MUCH improved over when she first got her permit, I am no longer scared out of my wits to ride with her. I told someone yesterday, I am wondering if it is a stress reducer or increaser with another driver in the house. I am thinking it is a blessing because now I ahve an extra person to help run errands and thus far she is anxious and willing to help. I am sure that will change once the newness of driving wears off. :-D The other kids are well, just their normal selves. Today I am feeling extremely blessed to be their mom. It is gonna be cold and yucky here so I intend to spend some time snuggling with them and centering my attention on them, the important things in life. WIlliam will be there in the middle too. I think with the busy-ness of life we forget that all the "things and stuff" are much less important than the people we love and cherish.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Getting started

Well, I thought I'd do this to keep our family and friends "on top" of what is going on in KC. First, I am Michelle married to William for 17.5 years. We have four beautiful children, two girls and two boys. Emerald just turned 16 last week and got her driver's license yesterday :-O, watch out world!!!!! Nathaniel is 12.5 and reads everything he can get his hands on, he also likes tv, maybe a little too much :-/. Noah is 10 and well he is our "class clown" and sports nut. Rebekkah is 7.5 and our "princess" she loves to dance at a local Christian dance studio. She is something else but we all love her :-D. OK, I am now gonna get busy on my layout.
